Rege Jean Page Father - He claimed his parents were one of the early couples to get interracially wed. His parents are both of different races. Page's father was a preacher while his mother worked as a nurse. [4] [5] he spent his childhood in his mother's native harare. His parents are both of different races. Web page's father was a preacher while his mother worked as a nurse. He has one brother, tose page, and was once in a band with his brother.
He claimed his parents were one of the early couples to get interracially wed. His parents are both of different races. Web page's father was a preacher while his mother worked as a nurse. He has one brother, tose page, and was once in a band with his brother. Page's father was a preacher while his mother worked as a nurse. [4] [5] he spent his childhood in his mother's native harare. His parents are both of different races.